Wraps ‘er all up. We made it back to the states and are now easing our way into a groove as they say. What a sensational way to close out our travels! This entry will be substantially brief…honest! Well, maybe. We hope we can share stories and pics on a more personal basis now that we are roaming the 48 again.
We spent a majority of our European jaunt in Sevilla, Spain with my bro, currently wrapping up a year of study. He basically dropped everything and gave us a first rate tour of Sevilla…and well, the rest of Spain. We spent a solid early afternoon roaming the immense palace and grounds of Real Alcazar De Sevilla, a finely adorned stop (and home?) for nobility and administrators.
Our next jaunt entailed renting a Peugeot, a ridiculously large map of Spain/Portugal and poop cookies. We set out from Sevilla late afternoon and headed towards the southern coast of Portugal. We camped out at a very posh camping community in Vila Real de Santo Antonio, just east of Faro and just west of the border and awoke early the next morn ready to see the coast. But alas, the weather was uncooperative, so we proceeded
The plan was to leave from Jerte early the next morn and pick up Mom and Dad from the airport in Madrid. However, Delta Airlines had other plans and their flight was cancel/delayed for a full two days! (We can wax airline industry incompetence and corporate welfare at its worst at some other time.) The three of us made it back to Sevilla to recal
After some serious brai
Saturday, our only full day, we awoke, threw together some plans and got after it. The first stop was the Eiffel Tower and the long walk to get there. It’s one of those landmarks that borders on a large hunk of iron and grand splendor. (After its construction for the 1889 World’s Fair, many Parisians wanted it taken down). However, once you
By then it was about 10 pm and time for some dinner. So we consulted the all-knowing guidebook and found a terrific, classic-French restaurant called Vins Des Pyrenees. What a perfect way to celebrate the rents retirement, their anniversary and a spontaneous family vacation. Great wine, fantastic food and chipper people.
The next morn we loaded all our gear and headed back to Sevilla. Carrie and I had a full day left and then it was time to head back. Mom and Dad had another five days to explore. The five of us took a leisurely stroll through town until we found ourselves at a cozy outdoor eatery. Ryan made sure we all had a chance to enjoy a Spanish tapa dinning experience.
All told, Carrie and I had a bang-up time. Looking back on it, it already seems as if we dreamt the whole thing up…the places, sites, history, people. We hope you all enjoyed the random updates and we look forward to chatting and sharing in person whenever and wherever.
What’s next? Well, Carrie and I will be heading back to Brat at the end of July. Carrie will be returning to work with Woodward Design and I hope to continue working on energy, environmental and advocacy projects. We’ll be cruising the state of WI throughout the rest of June and July visiting fam and friends. Stay in contact, virtual or otherwise.
Carrie and Chad